For at downloade din faktura skal du venligst kontakte vores kundeservice-team og inkludere dine bestillingsdetaljer i beskeden.
Please check that the items are eligible for the promotion. If your items are excluded from the promotion, this will explain why the code does not work. Also, promotions usually cannot be combined if your items are already discounted.
The welcome code is only eligible for first time users on certain items (items such as 14k gold are excluded. The full list is in your email). Make sure to check your spam folder. If you don't receive it after 30 minutes, it is possible you entered your email address incorrectly. Please enter it again.
Brug for mere hjælp?
Send os venligst en email med alle relevante oplysninger, inkl. bestillingsdetaljer, emailadresse og billeder eller video af de defekte varer.
Eller send os en direkte besked
Vi besvarer alle beskeder inden for 24 timer, mandag-fredag. Alle beskeder modtaget i weekenden besvares følgende hverdag.